Speacial Guest
Submition Profiles:

Elinor Dashwood
Age: 24
Occupation: Accounting Associate at Barton Industries
Relationship status: I'm sorry, but I do not like to divulge such information publicly.
Relation to contestant: I'm Marianne's sister.
Reason for wanting to visit the contestant: I miss Marianne dearly, and I am really worried about how much she may have been throwing caution and good sense to the wind without me. I love her so much, but I know she can get carried away rather easily and now that I know this is a show about finding love, I fear she will get her heart broken, or worse, if she is not very careful.
What have you been doing while the contestant has been away?: Enjoied some quiet time, reorganized our closet, and missed her.
Would you ever sign up for a dating completion yourself?: I couldn’t bear to be so exposed to the world, especially not where my heart is concerned. I think such matters are best kept private.

Harriet Smith
Age: 26
Occupation:Photographer & Photography Teacher
Relationship status: Single -yet Hopeful
Relation to contestant: Emma's my best friend!
Reason for wanting to visit the contestant: I miss her! And also I really need advice, on some feelings of mine that I have just discovered.
What have you been doing while the contestant has been away?: I've been checking in on Emma's father, Mr. Woodhouse, for her. It's been quite with out Emma (and George) around, I've had a lot of time to think, and miss them. Which has inspired both my art and new understanding of what I hope my life will hold.
Would you ever sign up for a dating completion yourself?: Well The Jane Games does pick some exceptional bachelors, is it too late to join in this round?

General Frederick Tilney
Age: I find this question impertinent
Occupation: Army General
Relationship status: Widower
Relation to contestant: I barely know the little upstart of a girl. I am, however, father of Henry Northanger Tilney who it appears is also on this insipid excuse for “entertainment.”
Reason for wanting to visit the contestant: To save my son’s reputation, career, and future status by removing Miss Moreland as a contestant thus ensuring he leaves the show as well and they never see each other again.
What have you been doing while the contestant has been away?: My regiment is no concern of yours.
Would you ever sign up for a dating completion yourself?: You can't be serious.

Dr. Mina Russell
Age: 36
Occupation: Physician
Relationship status: Divorced
Relation to contestant: Long time friend, we met while we were both pre med. Now she works with me as a Nurse at Kellynch Family Practice.
Reason for wanting to visit the contestant: Despite desperately wanting her to go on this competition, her father is about to make a life altering mistake, I know she would want to be informed so she could come back to her family responsibilities.
What have you been doing while the contestant has been away?: Realizing just how much she does at the practice, things are definitely not running as smoothly. And I miss my caffeine breaks with our chats.
Would you ever sign up for a dating completion yourself?: It would be rather hypocritical if I didn’t since I recommended this one to Anne. Though after my marriage ended I haven't really been looking for a replacement husband yet, just being at liberty to be on my own has been enjoyable.

Mrs. Francine Bennet
Age: I have collage age daughters
Occupation: Wife & Mother
Relationship status: Quite Happily Married (most of the time)
Relation to contestant: Elizabeth is my second daughter of five.
Reason for wanting to visit the contestant: I have heard through the proverbial grapevine that Lizzie has not been "putting herself out there" enough. Lizzie has always been more concerned with cerebral matters, than with matters of appearance. However, if she is to win a husband-- which one assumes to be the grand prize of this contest-- she will need to spruce herself up. My daughter has a lovely face and figure, if I may be so bold. She obviously takes after her mother. If she would just put on some makeup and fix up her hair-- and put on a dress, instead of those dreadful yoga pants-- she would look so much better.
What have you been doing while the contestant has been away?: Well, planning the wedding, of course! To whichever young man who ends up with my Lizzie. I've already chosen her colors-- lavender and green. Of course, Lizzie herself will wear pure white. And I won't allow her to wear one of those silly strapless mermaid gowns. She's going to look like a lady.
Would you ever sign up for a dating completion yourself?: My goodness no! I'm a married woman! Although, if anything were to happen to my dear Mr. Bennett, I would have to attract a new mate. Just thinking about it puts my poor nerves on edge. However, since I am considerably younger than my husband, and have retained my youthful looks, I believe I would make a very worthy contestant on such a show.


Fanny Price
Age: 18
Occupation: Student, studying social work at MCC-Mansfield Community College.
Relationship status: Complicated
Relation to contestant: Mary and her brother, are neighborhood friends.
Reason for wanting to visit the contestant: I need to beg her help in finding a way to get her brother to stop flirting with and teasing me.
What have you been doing while the contestant has been away?: Since Mary has been out of contact, her brother has been making the most outlandish advances to me. One involved a flock of birds, I really don't know why. We aren't suited to each other at all, I just don't trust him. beside that I have feelings for some one else completely! So I've been avoiding him, and doing a lot of stress baking. The local parish meetings are benefiting quite a bit with all of the extra tarts and muffins. However I can't make Edmund's favorite, pecan pie with out feeling a bit lonely, with out my daily texts and support from my favorite foster brother I spend my days rather isolated from true companionship.
Would you ever sign up for a dating completion yourself?: Mary is a lot more out going than me, both she and Edmund are so charming, attractive, and passionate in perusing their goals, they are much more suited for a dating show than I am. I can't imagine I would be very entertaining for thousands of viewers, just the thought of all those people weighing in on my personal life makes my throat swell up.